Research Publications 2021-2022
Papers Published in Journals |
S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry, N. P. Gopalan, STMAD: Sensor-based threat’s mitigation on smartphones using allowlist and denylist, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, 78, 16336–16363 (Accepted: April, 2022), DOI: |
S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry, N. P. Gopalan, SBTDDL: A novel framework for sensor-based threats detection on Android smartphones using deep learning, Computers and Security Elsevier, 118, Article No.102729 (Accepted: April 15, 2022), DOI: |
S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry and N. P. Gopalan: BPLMSBT – Blockchain-Based Permission List for Mitigating the Sensor-Based Threats on Smartphones, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (11), 11075-11087 (Published: April 18, 2022), DOI: |
Sarveswararao, V. Ravi, Shaik Tanveer Ul Huq, Optimal prediction intervals for macroeconomic time series using chaos and evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 71, (Accepted: March 22, 2022), DOI: |
Ahamed, S. I., & Ravi, V. Privacy-Preserving Wavelet Neural Network with Fully Homomorphic Encryption. ArXiv, (May 2022). |
Vivek, Y., Ravi, V., & Radhakrishna, P. Feature subset selection for Big Data via Chaotic Binary Differential Evolution under Apache Spark. ArXiv, (February 08, 2022). |
Vivek, Y., Ravi, V., & Krishna, P. R. Parallel bi-objective evolutionary algorithms for scalable feature subset selection via migration strategy under Spark. ArXiv, (May 19, 2022). |
Singh, M., Sangeetha, S. and Mehtre, B.M. “Insider Threat Detection and Prevention using Semantic Score and Dynamic Multi Fuzzy Classifier.” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)–Inderscience, (January, 2022). |
Singh, M., Mehtre, B. & Sangeetha, S. User behavior based Insider Threat Detection using a Multi Fuzzy Classifier. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 22953–22983 (Accepted: January 07, 2022). |
ND Patel, BM Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar. A Snort-based Secure Edge Router for Smart Home. International Journal of Sensor Networks. (January 2022), |
N. D. Patel, B. M. Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar. “Intrusion Detection System using Resampled Dataset – A Comparative Study.” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 08, June 2022. Inderscience, |
N. D. Patel, B. M. Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar. ” Artificial Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm.” International Journal of Information and Computer Security, March 30, 2022. Inderscience, |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Chess Pattern with Different Weighting Schemes for Person Independent Facial Expression Recognition” Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), DOI:, (Accepted: July 8, 2021) |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Radial Mesh Pattern: A Handcrafted Feature Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), DOI:, (Accepted: July 06, 2021) |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Modified chess patterns: handcrafted feature descriptors for facial expression recognition” Complex & Intelligent Systems (Springer), 7:3303-3322, 2021. DOI:, (Accepted: September 05, 2021) |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Local Triangular Patterns: Novel Handcrafted Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition” International Journal of Biometrics (Inderscience). DOI: (Status: Accepted in December, 2021) |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Windmill Graph based Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition” Optik (Elseveir), 260, 169053, (Accepted: April 05, 2022). DOI: |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Texture based feature extraction using symbol patterns for facial expression recognition” Cognitive Neurodynamics, (Springer) (Accepted: May 15, 2022). DOI: |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Dimensionality Reduced Chess Pattern for Person Independent Facial Expression Recognition” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (World Scientific), (Accepted: April 14, 2022). DOI: |
Sanda, Pranitha, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha. “An insight into cloud forensic readiness by leading cloud service providers: a survey.” Computing (2022): 1-26. Publisher: Springer, (Accepted: March 08, 2022), DOI: |
Sanda, Pranitha, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha. “Blockchain-based tamper-proof and transparent investigation model for cloud VMs.” The Journal of Supercomputing (2022): 1-29. Publisher: Springer, (Accepted: April 23, 2022), DOI: |
Shalini, P. V., V. Radha, Sriram G. Sanjeevi. “DOCUS-DDoS detection in SDN using modified CUSUM with flash traffic discrimination and mitigation”. Journal of Computer Networks. 217, 109361, (Accepted: September 07, 2022), DOI: |
Ahmad, S., Pal, R., Ganivada, A.: Rank level fusion of multimodal biometrics using genetic algorithm. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(28), pages 40931-40958. Springer. (Accepted: February 21, 2022), |
Suresh, K., Pal, R., Balasundaram, S. R.: Two-factor based RSA key generation from fingerprint biometrics and password for secure communication. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 128, Springer. (Accepted: January 22, 2022), DOI: |
Kaliyannan, S., Pal, R., Balasundaram, S. R.: A stable cryptographic key generation from fingerprint biometrics using gray code for secure data storage. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Inderscience. (2022), DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2022.10043107. |
Dansena, P., Pal, R., Bag, S.: Pen ink discrimination in handwritten documents using statistical and motif texture analysis: a classification based approach”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(21), pages 30881-30909. Springer (Accepted: March 09, 2022), DOI: |
U. S. Varri, S. Kasani, S. K. Pasupuleti and K. V. Kadambari, FELT-ABKS: Fog-Enabled Lightweight Traceable Attribute-Based Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 7559-7571, (May 15, 2022), |
Uma Sankararao Varri, Syam Kumar Pasupuleti, Kadambari K.V., Practical verifiable multi-keyword attribute-based searchable signcryption in cloud storage, Journal of Ambient Intell Human Comput (Accepted: January 22, 2022). DOI: |
Papers Published in Conferences |
Singh, Malvika, Babu M. Mehtre, and S. Sangeetha. “User Behaviour based Insider Threat Detection in Critical Infrastructures.” In 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC), IEEE, 21-23 May 2021. (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: July 13, 2021), DOI: |
ND Patel, BM Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar, “An Efficient Intrusion Detection System using Unsupervised Learning AutoEncoder”, Accepted for Publication In: 3rd International Conference on Applied Machine Learning and Data (AMLDA 2021), Springer, 16th & 17th December 2021. |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Rapolu Madhuri, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Knight Tour Patterns: Novel Handcrafted Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition” In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, pp. 210-219, (Published: October 31, 2021), DOI: |
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Petersen Graph based Binary Pattern for Person Independent Facial Expression Recognition” Accepted: Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, ISI Kolkata, December 15-18, 2021. |
Aramanda Amarajyothi, Saifulla Md Abdul, and Radha Vedala: Refining User Ratings Using User Emotions for Recommender Systems. In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence. 3-10. ACM, (November 2021), DOI: |
Sanda, Pranitha, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha. “VM Anti-forensics: Detecting File Wiping Using File System Journals.” International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology. Springer, Singapore, (Published: May 15, 2022), DOI: |
Ahmad, S., Pal, R., Ganivada, A.: Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using genetic algorithm. In: Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Krakow, Poland. (2021). (Date added to IEEE Xplore: August 09, 2021), DOI: |
Ahmad, S., Pal, R., Ganivada, A.: Rank level fusion of multimodal biometrics using particle swarm optimization. In: Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2021), Kolkata, India. Springer (Accepted: December 2021) |
Venkatarao, C., Pal, R., Verma, A., Sen, D.: Image re-attentionizing using particle swarm optimization. In: Proc. of Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2021), Kolkata, India. Springer (Accepted: December 2021) |
Tripathi, A., Thakur, A. & Janakiram, D. Exploiting network slices for cross-vertical application delivery. CSIT 9, 199–206 (Accepted: November 16, 2021), DOI: |
Mandal, S., Sravan, S.S., Ramesh, L. (2022). Chaotic-Maps Based Access Authentication Protocol for Remote Communication Using Space Information Networks. In: Barolli, L., Hussain, F., Enokido, T. (eds) Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 449. Springer, Cham (Published: March 31, 2022). |