Research Publications 2021-2022

Papers Published in Journals
S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry, N. P. Gopalan, STMAD: Sensor-based threat’s mitigation on smartphones using allowlist and denylist, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, 78, 16336–16363 (Accepted: April, 2022), DOI:
S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry, N. P. Gopalan, SBTDDL: A novel framework for sensor-based threats detection on Android smartphones using deep learning, Computers and Security Elsevier, 118, Article No.102729 (Accepted: April 15, 2022), DOI:
S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry and N. P. Gopalan: BPLMSBT – Blockchain-Based Permission List for Mitigating the Sensor-Based Threats on Smartphones, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (11), 11075-11087 (Published: April 18, 2022), DOI:
Sarveswararao, V. Ravi, Shaik Tanveer Ul Huq, Optimal prediction intervals for macroeconomic time series using chaos and evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 71, (Accepted: March 22, 2022), DOI:
Ahamed, S. I., & Ravi, V. Privacy-Preserving Wavelet Neural Network with Fully Homomorphic Encryption. ArXiv, (May 2022).
Vivek, Y., Ravi, V., & Radhakrishna, P. Feature subset selection for Big Data via Chaotic Binary Differential Evolution under Apache Spark. ArXiv, (February 08, 2022).
Vivek, Y., Ravi, V., & Krishna, P. R. Parallel bi-objective evolutionary algorithms for scalable feature subset selection via migration strategy under Spark. ArXiv, (May 19, 2022).
Singh, M., Sangeetha, S. and Mehtre, B.M. “Insider Threat Detection and Prevention using Semantic Score and Dynamic Multi Fuzzy Classifier.” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)–Inderscience, (January, 2022).
Singh, M., Mehtre, B. & Sangeetha, S. User behavior based Insider Threat Detection using a Multi Fuzzy Classifier. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 22953–22983 (Accepted: January 07, 2022).
ND Patel, BM Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar. A Snort-based Secure Edge Router for Smart Home. International Journal of Sensor Networks. (January 2022),
N. D. Patel, B. M. Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar. “Intrusion Detection System using Resampled Dataset – A Comparative Study.” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 08, June 2022. Inderscience,
N. D. Patel, B. M. Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar. ” Artificial Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm.” International Journal of Information and Computer Security, March 30, 2022. Inderscience,
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Chess Pattern with Different Weighting Schemes for Person Independent Facial Expression Recognition” Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), DOI:, (Accepted: July 8, 2021)
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Radial Mesh Pattern: A Handcrafted Feature Descriptor for Facial Expression Recognition” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), DOI:, (Accepted: July 06, 2021)
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Modified chess patterns: handcrafted feature descriptors for facial expression recognition” Complex & Intelligent Systems (Springer), 7:3303-3322, 2021. DOI:, (Accepted: September 05, 2021)
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Local Triangular Patterns: Novel Handcrafted Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition” International Journal of Biometrics (Inderscience). DOI: (Status: Accepted in December, 2021)
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Windmill Graph based Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition” Optik (Elseveir), 260, 169053, (Accepted: April 05, 2022).  DOI:
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Texture based feature extraction using symbol patterns for facial expression recognition” Cognitive Neurodynamics, (Springer) (Accepted: May 15, 2022). DOI:
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Dimensionality Reduced Chess Pattern for Person Independent Facial Expression Recognition” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (World Scientific), (Accepted: April 14, 2022). DOI:
Sanda, Pranitha, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha. “An insight into cloud forensic readiness by leading cloud service providers: a survey.” Computing (2022): 1-26. Publisher: Springer, (Accepted: March 08, 2022), DOI:
Sanda, Pranitha, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha. “Blockchain-based tamper-proof and transparent investigation model for cloud VMs.” The Journal of Supercomputing (2022): 1-29. Publisher: Springer, (Accepted: April 23, 2022), DOI:
Shalini, P. V., V. Radha, Sriram G. Sanjeevi. “DOCUS-DDoS detection in SDN using modified CUSUM with flash traffic discrimination and mitigation”. Journal of Computer Networks. 217, 109361, (Accepted: September 07, 2022), DOI:
Ahmad, S., Pal, R., Ganivada, A.: Rank level fusion of multimodal biometrics using genetic algorithm. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(28), pages 40931-40958. Springer. (Accepted: February 21, 2022),
Suresh, K., Pal, R., Balasundaram, S. R.: Two-factor based RSA key generation from fingerprint biometrics and password for secure communication. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 128, Springer. (Accepted: January 22, 2022), DOI:
Kaliyannan, S., Pal, R., Balasundaram, S. R.: A stable cryptographic key generation from fingerprint biometrics using gray code for secure data storage. International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Inderscience. (2022), DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2022.10043107.
Dansena, P., Pal, R., Bag, S.: Pen ink discrimination in handwritten documents using statistical and motif texture analysis: a classification based approach”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81(21), pages 30881-30909. Springer (Accepted: March 09, 2022), DOI:
U. S. Varri, S. Kasani, S. K. Pasupuleti and K. V. Kadambari, FELT-ABKS: Fog-Enabled Lightweight Traceable Attribute-Based Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 7559-7571, (May 15, 2022),
Uma Sankararao Varri, Syam Kumar Pasupuleti, Kadambari K.V., Practical verifiable multi-keyword attribute-based searchable signcryption in cloud storage, Journal of Ambient Intell Human Comput (Accepted: January 22, 2022). DOI:
Papers Published in Conferences
Singh, Malvika, Babu M. Mehtre, and S. Sangeetha. “User Behaviour based Insider Threat Detection in Critical Infrastructures.” In 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC), IEEE, 21-23 May 2021. (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: July 13, 2021), DOI:
ND Patel, BM Mehtre, and Rajeev Wankar, “An Efficient Intrusion Detection System using Unsupervised Learning AutoEncoder”, Accepted for Publication In: 3rd International Conference on Applied Machine Learning and Data (AMLDA 2021), Springer, 16th & 17th December 2021.
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Rapolu Madhuri, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Knight Tour Patterns: Novel Handcrafted Feature Descriptors for Facial Expression Recognition” In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, pp. 210-219, (Published: October 31, 2021), DOI:
Mukku Nisanth Kartheek, Munaga V.N.K Prasad and Raju Bhukya. “Petersen Graph based Binary Pattern for Person Independent Facial Expression Recognition” Accepted: Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, ISI Kolkata, December 15-18, 2021.
Aramanda Amarajyothi, Saifulla Md Abdul, and Radha Vedala: Refining User Ratings Using User Emotions for Recommender Systems. In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Information Integration and Web Intelligence. 3-10. ACM, (November 2021), DOI:
Sanda, Pranitha, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha. “VM Anti-forensics: Detecting File Wiping Using File System Journals.” International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology. Springer, Singapore, (Published: May 15, 2022), DOI:
Ahmad, S., Pal, R., Ganivada, A.: Score level fusion of multimodal biometrics using genetic algorithm. In: Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Krakow, Poland. (2021). (Date added to IEEE Xplore: August 09, 2021), DOI:
Ahmad, S., Pal, R., Ganivada, A.: Rank level fusion of multimodal biometrics using particle swarm optimization. In:  Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2021), Kolkata, India. Springer (Accepted: December 2021)
Venkatarao, C., Pal, R., Verma, A., Sen, D.: Image re-attentionizing using particle swarm optimization. In:  Proc. of Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2021), Kolkata, India. Springer (Accepted: December 2021)
Tripathi, A., Thakur, A. & Janakiram, D. Exploiting network slices for cross-vertical application delivery. CSIT 9, 199–206 (Accepted: November 16, 2021), DOI:
Mandal, S., Sravan, S.S., Ramesh, L. (2022). Chaotic-Maps Based Access Authentication Protocol for Remote Communication Using Space Information Networks. In: Barolli, L., Hussain, F., Enokido, T. (eds) Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 449. Springer, Cham (Published: March 31, 2022).