Media Room

We welcome you to the Media Room of the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology. The Press Releases and details about the Important Events at the Institute are made available in the Media Room. These may be directly downloaded and used by the Media.

We highly appreciate your interest in our Institute and for any information on the developments at the Institute, you may please get in touch with Dr. S. Rashmi Dev, Assistant General Manager – Human Resources & Publications at or on Tel: +91-40-2329 4163 or Fax: +91-40-23535157.

IDRBT in Media

Ever since its inception, IDRBT has found a place of prominence in the Media. Right from its establishment, inauguration of the INdian FInancial NETwork, launch of the Structured Financial Messaging System and the M.Tech. Programme in Information Technology to becoming the Certifying Authority, the Media has always accorded IDRBT News top priority. While the latest media coverage about the Institute can be accessed hereunder, the links to coverage in the previous years can be accessed from the sub-links beside to that year.

IDRBT in Media (2024-25)