11th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium
The Institute organised the 11th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium from December 06 – 07, 2021. Research scholars from reputed institutions like ISI, IITs, IIScs, IIIT, etc., presented their research in the Colloquium.
The Annual IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium is an initiative aimed at discovering and exploring emerging areas of research in various domains of technology, sharing knowledge and forming a network of technology researchers. It intends to create a platform to collaborate, and exchange research ideas, thereby exploring the opportunities for innovation in the Indian FinTech Sector.
The specifics of the scholars and the topic on which they dwelt on are as under:
S. No. | Topic | Scholar | Institution |
1 | Knowledge & learning based TC-AWP solver and its extension to identify inconsistent cases | Suresh Kumar | IIT Madras |
2 | Stable Feature Selection using Copula based Mutual Information | Snehalika Lall | ISI Kolkata |
3 | A Lightweight and Energy Efficient Security System for Automatic Detection of Fraudulent Entries and Safeguarding the Bank/ATM Premises | Deena Nath Gupta | Jamia Millia Islamia |
4 | Near-optimal Non-malleable Codes and Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes | Sruthi Sekar | IISc Bengaluru |
5 | Handling some complexities with Multi-label data | Anwesha Law | ISI Kolkata |
6 | Malware Detection and Classification Systems for Critical Infrastructures using Machine Learning | Abijah Roseline | VIT University, Chennai |
7 | Top-view Visualization of Soccer Match from The Broadcasting Video | Samriddha Sanyal | ISI Kolkata |
8 | Robust Malware Detection Models: Learning from Adversarial Attacks and Defenses | Hemant Rathore |
BITS Pilani, Goa Campus |
9 | A Fuzzy Rule-based Dimensionality Reduction Method for Data Visualization | Suchismita Das | ISI Kolkata |
10 | Topic Sensitive Hybrid Expertise Retrieval System in Community Question Answering Services | Dipankar Kundu | University of Calcutta |
11 | Color Normalization of Histological Images Using Rough-Fuzzy Circular Clustering | Suman Mahapatra | ISI Kolkata |
Awards and Evaluation
The Jury for the 11th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium consisted of: Prof. C. E. Veni Madhavan, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore; Prof. Chakravarthy Bhagavathi, Dean, SCIS, University of Hyderabad and Prof. C. Krishna Mohan, Department of CSE, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. The Jury evaluated the paper and presentations on the parameters of Depth of Work (Modeling, Design, Experimentation, Results), Technical Content (Models, Optimization, Technologies, Analysis), Presentation (PPTs, Graphs, Explanations, Language, Clarity), Relevance, Applicability, Modernism and Correctness of Work (Correct, Complete, Gaps).
The Winners
- First Prize: Ms. Sruthi Sekar, Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, for her contribution entitled Near-optimal Non-malleable Codes and Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes. The 1st prize consisted of INR 1 lakh and a citation.
- Second Prize: Mr. Samriddha Sanyal , Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, for his contribution entitled Top-view Visualization of Soccer Match from The Broadcasting Video. The 2nd prize consisted of INR 50,000/- and a citation.
- Third Prize: Mr. Suman Mahapatra , Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, for his contribution entitled Color Normalization of Histological Images Using Rough-Fuzzy Circular Clustering. The 3rd prize consisted of INR 35,000/- and a citation.
The Colloquium was coordinated by Dr. Susmita Mandal and Dr. Dipanjan Roy, Faculty, IDRBT.