Third IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium

With the objective of networking technology researchers, sharing knowledge and learning from each other and exploring emerging areas of research in various domains of technology, the Institute conducted its Third IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium on December 16-17, 2013. The colloquium was inaugurated by Prof. U.B. Desai, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.

The Colloquium also featured talk on emerging issues of technology research by eminent faculty from top technical institutions. Dr. V. Umapathi Reddy, Honorary Professor, IIT – Hyderabad and Prof. Madhavan Mukund, Dean of Studies, Chennai Mathematical Institute, spoke on various aspects of research as part of the 2-day event.

This year, 11 Ph. D. scholars from various reputed institutions like IITs, IIMs, IIITs, Central Universities and the Monash University of Australia, presented their research in the colloquium. The forum provided an opportunity for the research scholars to demonstrate and discuss their research ideas and get feedback from an eminent panel to improve their work.

The details of the scholars and the topic of their presentation are as under:

S. No. Topic Scholar Institution
1 How to Measure Trustworthiness of Content on Twitter during High Impact Events Aditi Gupta Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
2 Features Based Model for Handling Evolutions In Role Based Access Control Policies K. Shantha Kumari Pondicherry University
3 A Framework for Unsupervised Outlier Detection in Evolving Streaming Data Yogita Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
4 "Learned" Orders versus "Observed" Orders: Applying Machine Learning Methods in Stock Markets Varsha Mamidi Monash University, Australia
5 The Impact of Bank Capital on Financial Stability with special reference to the Experience in China and India Dipsubhra Chakraborty Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
6 Self-Service Technologies in Banking – Role of Situational Factors in Attitude Formation and Adoption C. Lalruatsanga Indian Institute of Management, Indore
7 Credit Risk Management using Machine Learning – A Novel Approach based on SVDD Rekha A G Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
8 Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
9 Automated Clarity and Quality Assessment for Latent Fingerprint Anush Sankaran Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
10 Disguise Detection and Face Recognition in Visible and Thermal Spectrums Tejas Indulal Dhamecha Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
11 Slap Fingerprint Segmentation Puneet Gupta Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Awards and Evaluation

An eminent jury chaired by Prof C.A. Murthy, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata; and consisting of Prof B. Chakravarthy, Department of Computer Science, University of Hyderabad, and Dr. B. L. Deekshatulu, Distinguished Fellow, IDRBT, evaluated the paper presentations on the parameters of Originality, Depth of work (Modelling, Design, Experimentation, Results), Technical Content (Models, Optimization, Technologies, Analysis), Presentation (Graphs, Explanations, Language, Clarity), Relevance, Applicability, Modernism and Correctness of Work (Correct, Complete, Gaps).

The Winners

  • First Prize: Anush Shankaran, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, New Delhi, for his contribution entitled Automated Clarity and Quality Assessment for Latent fingerprint.
  • Second Prize: Varsha Mamidi, Monash University, Australia, for her contribution entitled “Learned” Orders versus “Observed” Orders: Applying Machine Learning Methods in Stock Markets.
  • Third Prize: Rekha A G, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, for her contribution entitled Credit Risk Management using Machine Learning – A Novel Approach based on SVDD.

The 1st prize consisted of INR 1 lakh and a citation. The 2nd prize consisted of INR 50,000/-, whereas the 3rd prize carried a reward of INR 35,000/- and a citation for each of the winners.