Ph.D. Programme


The Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (hereinafter ‘Institute’) invites application for admittance of Ph.D. aspirants for fellowship and other direct/indirect benefits in terms and conditions applicable at the Institute. The objective of the research fellowship is to conduct development related Research in applied technology for banking and finance and lead the research towards use-ready product/service for creation of digital knowledge base/infrastructure.


Ph.D. aspirant [Research Fellow (RF) hereinafter] need to get admission for Ph.D. in degree awarding Universities and Institutes. They need to be compliant to the guidelines of such universities where they have got admission. Thereafter, they will apply for selection by the Institute for Fellowship and other support facilities.


The Ph.D. will be under joint supervision by Guides at both the Institutions i.e. (i) University/Institute, where the RF has got admission and the degree will be awarded after completion, and (ii) IDRBT- where research activities will be undertaken, as well as, fellowship will be granted.

Types of Fellowships:

      1. REGULAR/FULL-TIME: A RF in this category works full-time for her/his PhD degree. They can be classified as “Institute RF” and S/he receives Fellowship from the Institute.
        • The qualifying degree for financial support is:
          1. BE/ B. Tech./M. Sc./ MCA /M. Tech/ME/MS/M Phil/equivalent degree
          2. Valid GATE score / NET qualification in terms of rules of the Institute.
          3. The requirement of GATE score is waived for candidates with Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from the Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs) with CGPA > 8.0 and above (out of 10) in line with MHRD [now Ministry of Education (MoE)] letter no. 17-2/2014 -TS. I dated February 18, 2015 and other IITs. Such candidates are required to appear in the interview for selection.
      2. EXTERNALLY FUNDED (Government Schemes): JRF/SRF applicants having external fellowship from recognized Government funding agencies are encouraged to apply. S/he receives fellowship from any government recognized funding agencies, such as PMRF, CSIR, UGC, DBT, NBHM, DST (INSPIRE programme) and similar other schemes. Institute encourages candidates with external fellowship to apply round the year. However, admission to the Institute’s PhD program for top-up funding and other benefits would be considered during regular cycle in July / January each year.
      3. SPONSORED – Other entities (FULL-TIME): A candidate in this category is sponsored by a reputed industry, R&D organization, academic institution (universities/colleges), government organization, PSUs and autonomous bodies (central / state) for research and career advancement. The Institute does not provide any assistantship/fellowship to such a candidate. Candidate in Sponsored category must be a regular employee of the sponsoring organization (of repute) with a minimum of two-years job experience in the respective field. Further, the work-experience of minimum two years is essential with current employer. A student in this category is therefore a professionally employed person, who pursues PhD while continuing her / his services. The candidate has to work full time in Institute to obtain the degree for a period of 3 years. An intending sponsored candidate must produce sponsorship letter on the day of interview in the prescribed format (Click here for Sponsorship Letter – Form I). The sponsorship letter is also attached with the online application form aswell.
      4. EMPLOYED & PART -TIME: A candidate in this category is a regularly employed person (in RBI or its regulated entities, to start with) who pursues the PhD program, while continuing the duties of her / his service. The Institute does not provide any assistantship / fellowship to such a candidate. The minimum residential requirement is one or two semester(s) depending on the completion of mandatory course work required for PhD students. Candidate in Employed and Part-time category must be a regular employee of her / his organization with at least two years of professional experience in the respective field. The work experience of minimum two years is essential with current employer. NOC must be produced on the day of interview in the prescribed format (Click here for NOC – Form II). The NOC is also attached with the online application form aswell.
      5. NOTE: Candidates selected for Sponsored (C), and Employed & Part-time (D) categories can have the opportunity to complete the mandatory course-work in online / hybrid mode with examination in physical mode in the Institute campus with prior approval from the competent authority of the Institute. {Subject to degree granting institute’s terms and conditions}.


Minimum eligibility criteria for admission to Ph.D. programme:

i) AGE LIMIT: The upper age limit is 28 years (BE/ B. Tech./M. Sc./ MCA /equivalent degree in Technology) and 32 years (M. Tech. / M.E./ M.S. /M. Phil.), to be calculated as on the last date of application and is applicable only for candidates applying in Regular and Full-time category, as Institute RF.

  • Upper age limit is relaxed up to 5 years for Women and PwD candidates.

ii) For Research fellows under category (B) (C) and (D), age limit will be as per the funding agency norms.


Fellowship: The Institute offers Fellowship to eligible (Indian) students as per prevailing (MoE, GoI) norms, as applicable from time to time. At present the fellowship amount is Rs. 37,000/- per month for first two years and Rs. 42,000/- per month for subsequent years (governed as per MoE letter F. No. 32-18/2023-TS-l, dated. 13.09.2023).

Other Support and Facilities:

  • Accommodation: Institute will provide accommodation in its Quarter at Hyderabad on First Cum First Serve basis. 1BHK family accommodation may be provided based on availability and assessment by the Institute.
  • Networking: Institutes is hosting many events, viz. Executive Development Programs for banks and other regulated entities of RBI, meetings of CISOs/CIOs/CXOs Forums; regular interaction with IT/ITES industry, X-Tech start-ups, etc. These events enable effective networking and self-development opportunities for, Research Fellow and students.
  • Project participation: This is unique and comprehensive opportunity at the Institute. Institute is having unique IT infrastructure for regulated entities of RBI in the field of Cyber Securities to provide training, dissemination of processed information, cyber drills etc. besides in the process of development of new Digital Public Infrastructure.
  • Annual Review: Continuous feedback and Monitoring: The continuation of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance of the assigned duties and satisfactory progress of the student in the Ph.D. Programme in terms of the Institute rules.
  • Institute sponsors participation in seminar for presentation in recognised Forum in India as well as overseas.
  • Other enablement including financial support for conducting the research as per Institute rules.
  • Opportunities for self-development through teaching and support to faculty for online as well as in-campus courses and by mentoring other students and researchers.


The Institute reserves the right to call a limited number of candidates for test / interview, based on performance in GATE / NET, grades/marks in the qualifying examination, shortlisting criteria, etc. Merely fulfilling minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee call for test / interview.

Final selection will be based on presentation and Interview conducted by the Institute.


  1. The Interested candidates have to fill the online application.
  2. Please note that no changes in the online application will be allowed once it is submitted. Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care. IDRBT will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application form.
  3. Candidates need not submit/ send application printouts or any certificates or copies to IDRBT.


  1. Last date of application for category A (except CFTIs aspirants): 28th February 2025
    • RFs of CFTIs (Centrally Funded Technical Institutes) can apply one month after the completion of the admission process at CFTIs
  2. For category (B) (C) & (D): The RFs can apply year-round. However, admission to the Institute’s Ph.D. programme for top-up funding and other benefits is considered during the regular cycles in July and January each year.