Dr. V. Ravi
Prof. Dr. Vadlamani Ravi is with the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad since April 2005. He obtained his Ph.D. in the area of Soft Computing from Osmania University, Hyderabad and RWTH Aachen, Germany (2001); MS (Science and Technology) from BITS, Pilani (1991) and M.Sc. (Statistics & Operations Research) from IIT, Bombay (1987). At IDRBT, he spearheads the Center of Excellence in Analytics (renamed as Centre for AI and ML), first-of-its-kind in India and evangelizes Analytical CRM and Non-CRM related analytics in a big way by conducting customized training programmes for bankers on OCRM & ACRM; Data Warehousing, Data and Text Mining, Big Data Analytics, Fraud Analytics, Risk Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Credit Recovery Analytics, Business Analytics, AI and ML, Explainable AI, Privacy Preserving ML, Adversarial ML, Reinforcement Learning and conducting POC for banks etc.
He has more than 275 papers to his credit with the break-up of 99 papers in refereed International Journals, 6 papers in refereed National Journals, 122 papers in refereed International Conferences and 3 papers in refereed National Conferences, 30 invited book chapters, and 15 papers in arXiv preprint server and 4 edited books. His papers appeared in Applied Soft Computing, Soft Computing, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Information Sciences, Journal of Systems and Software, Knowledge Based Systems, Neurocomputing, Neural Computing and Applications, Cluster Computing, IJUFKS, IJCIA, IJAEC, IJDMMM, IJIDS, IJDATS, IJISSS, IJECRM, IJISSC, IJCIR, IJCISIM, IJBIC, JIPS, JIKM, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Epidemiology and Infection, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Bioinformation, Journal of Services Research etc. He also edited a Book entitled “Advances in Banking Technology and Management: Impacts of ICT and CRM” (http://www.igi-global.com/reference/details.asp?id=6995), published by IGI Global, USA, 2007. Handbook of Big Data Analytics which comprises two different volumes which are as follows: (i) Volume 1: Methodologies, https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/books/pc/pbpc037f, ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-064-7, URL:; (ii) Volume 2: Applications in ICT security and business analytics, https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/books /pc/pbpc037g, ISBN-13: 978-1-83953-059-3; published by The institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2021. Some of his research papers are listed in Top 25 Hottest Articles by Elsevier and World Scientific. He has an H-index of 48 and more than 12089 citations for his papers (Prof. Vadlamani Ravi – Google Scholar). His profile was among the Top 10% Most Viewed Profiles in LinkedIn in 2012. He figures in the list of Top 2% most cited in the AI & ML field released by Stanford University researchers consecutively from 2020 to till date. He is recognized as a Ph.D. supervisor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai; Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad and Department of Computer Sciences, Berhampur University, Orissa. He is an invited member in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, USA in 2009, 2015. He is also an invited member in 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2009/2010- published by International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England, He is an Invited Member of “Top 100 Educators in 2009” published by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. So far, 8 Ph.D. students graduated under his supervision and 2 more are currently working towards Ph.D. So far, he advised more than 75 M.Tech./MCA/M.Sc projects and 50 Summer Interns from various IITs. He is on the IT Advisory Committee of Canara Bank for their DWH, CRM, and analytics project; IT Advisor for Indian Bank for their DWH and CRM project and Principal Consultant for Bank of India for their CRM project; Expert Committee Member for IRDA for their Business Analytics and Fraud Analytics projects; ITAC Member for NABARD, ITCB member of NABARD, Advisory Committee Member for SEBI for Fraud Analytics; Standing Committee Member for Analytics in Supervision, DoS, RBI, Sub-Committee member for data warehouse revamp in RBI, and Sub-Committee member of the Encryption based Cyber Security, RBI. Consultant for PNB, IOB, Canara bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Central Bank of India; Interview Panel Member for Indian bank and Central Bank of India in recruitment of Data Miners, Data Engineers etc.
He is a referee for 40 International Journals of repute. Moreover, he is an Associate Editor for the “SWARM and Evolutionary Computation Journal from ELSEVIER”; “COMPUTERS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING from ELSEVIER”; was the Founding Managing Editor of Journal of Banking and Financial Technology, IDRBT and Springer since inception in 2019 to 2021. “International Journal of Information Systems in Service Sector” published by IGI Global, USA; “International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies” published by Inderscience, Switzerland; International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (IJIDS), Inderscience, Switzerland; International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS), IGI Global, USA and International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM), IGI Global, USA. International Journal of Data Science (IJDS), Inderscience, Switzerland; Editorial Board Member for Book Series in Banking, Inderscience Switzerland, He is on the PC for some International Conferences and chaired many sessions in International Conferences in India and abroad.
His research interests include Fuzzy Computing, Neuro Computing, Soft Computing, Evolutionary Computing, Data Mining, Text Mining, Web Mining, Big Data, Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Global/Multi-Criteria/Combinatorial Optimization, Bankruptcy Prediction, Risk Measurement, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Fraud Analytics, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Explainable AI, Privacy-preserving ML, Adversarial ML, Federated ML, Reinforcement Learning, Churn Prediction in Banks and firms and Asset Liability Management through Optimization. In a career spanning 36 years, Prof. Ravi worked in several cross-disciplinary areas such as Financial Engineering, Software Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Medical Entomology, Bioinformatics and Geotechnical Engineering. He won the Best Research Award in IICT in 2000; IDRBT Best Research Award in Mar 2019; Best Paper Award in FICTA 2024, MIWAI 2014, and IEEE-ICCIC 2013
At IDRBT, he held various administrative positions such as Ph.D Coordinator for NITW-IDRBT scheme from 2016 to 2023; Ph.D Coordinator for IITB-IDRBT scheme from 2021 to 2022; Coordinator, NITT-IDRBT scheme from 2023 to till date; IDRBT-Industry Relations (2005-06), IDRBT Consultancy Coordinator from January 2022-2023; M. Tech (IT) Coordinator, (2006-2009), Convener, IDRBT Working Group on CRM (2010-11); UoH Ph. D. Coordinator (2014-2016). As the convener, IDRBT Working Group on CRM, he co-authored a Handbook on Holistic CRM and Analytics, where a new framework for CRM, Data Quality Framework and Digital Banking Framework, best practices and new organization structures apart from HR issues for Indian banking industry are all suggested. He has 36 years of research and 24 years of teaching experience. He designed and developed a number of courses in NUS Singapore and IDRBT-UoH at M. Tech level in Soft Computing, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Fuzzy Computing, Neuro Computing, Quantitative Methods in Finance, Soft Computing in Finance, Business Data Analytics and Advanced Optimization, Evolutionary Computing at Ph.D. level. Further, he designed and developed a number of short courses for Executive Development Programmes (EDPs) in the form of 2-week long CRM for executives, Data Mining, Big Data and its relevance to Banking, Fraud Analytics etc. He conducted ACRM proof of the concept (POC) for 17 banks on their real data. He established excellent research collaborations with University of Hong Kong, University of Ghent, Belgium, IISc., Bangalore and IIT Kanpur. MSU, East Lansing, USA, SUNY-Buffalo USA, University of Memphis, USA, Vanderbilt University, USA, Muenster University, Germany, University of Missouri, USA, and AUT, Auckland, New Zealand. He co-ordinated Two International EDPs in University of Ghent, Belgium on ACRM to banking executives jointly with Prof Dr Dirk Van den Poel, University of Ghent, Belgium in 2011 and 2012 and Artificial Intelligence and Analytics for Bankers with Prof. Venu Govindaraju, SUNY- Buffalo in 2017. As part of academic outreach, he is a Guest Speaker in IIM Kolkata’s PGP programme and an invited Resource Person in various National Workshops and Faculty development programmes on Soft Computing, Data Mining, Big Data funded by AICTE and organized by SRM University, JNTU, UoH and some Engineering Colleges in India. He is an invited Panel Member/Chair in several National forums like IBA on Big Data Analytics in Banking in India. He is a member of task force set up to suggest changes to curriculum by NSDC and administered by NASSCOM to develop Data Scientists. Further, he contributed to the Roadmap for Big Data in India developed by DST. He is an External examiner for Ph.D. in Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and Christ University, India, IISc, India, Mumbai University, IIM Kolkata, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Pondicherry University, etc. Further, he is an External Expert to review Research Project Proposals on Analytics and ACRM submitted to the Belgian Academics to Belgian Government, European Science Foundation, Irish Science Foundation, Dutch Science Foundation for funding.
Earlier, he was the Associate Professor at IDRBT between February 2010-June 2014. Prior to joining IDRBT as Assistant Professor in April 2005, he worked as a Faculty at the Institute of Systems Science (ISS), National University of Singapore (April 2002 – March 2005). At ISS, he was involved in teaching M. Tech. (Knowledge Engineering) and research in Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, Soft Computing Systems and Data Mining & Machine Learning. Further, he consulted for Seagate Technologies, Singapore and Knowledge Dynamics Pte. Ltd., Singapore, on data mining projects. Earlier, he worked as Assistant Director (Scientist E1) from 1996 -2002 and Scientist C from 1993-1996 respectively at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad. He was deputed to RWTH Aachen (Aachen University of Technology) Germany under the DAAD Long Term Fellowship to carry out advanced research during 1997-1999. He earlier worked as Scientist B and Scientist C at the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee (1988-1993) and was listed as an expert in Soft Computing by TIFAC, Government of India in 1995.
S. No. | Name of the PhD scholar | Title of the PhD Thesis |
1 |
Ramankanta Mohanty (December, 2010) |
Application of Machine Learning and Soft Computing to Software Engineering |
2 |
Mohammed Abdul Haqul Farquad ( April, 2011) |
Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machine: Applications to Banking and Finance |
3 |
Nekuri Naveen
( November, 2012) |
Rule Extraction fom Neural Networks and Optimization techniques: Applications to Banking |
4 |
Pradeep Kumar Dabada (January, 2017) |
Financial Time series predicition using Soft Computing Hybrids |
5 |
Bangari Shravan Kumar
(July, 2018) |
Novel Text Mining methods and Applications |
6 |
Kumar Ravi (October, 2018) |
Development of Novel methods for Social Media Analytics |
7 |
Gutha Jaya Krishna (April, 2020) |
Evolutionary Computing applied to solve some Analytical and Operational problems in Banking, Financial services and Insurance |
8 |
SK Kamuruddin (September, 2021) |
Scaling out some of the Data Mining algorithms for Big Data Analytics |
9 |
Vivek Yelleti On-going-2020-tilldate (with Prof. P. Radha Krishna, NIT, Warangal) |
Feature Subset Selection using Evolutionary Computing under Big Data Paradigm |
10 |
Sandarbh Yadav Ongoing-2022-till date (with Dr. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan, IIT Bombay) |
Reinforcement learning and Evolutionary Computing for Financial Applications |