Dr. V. N. Sastry
Educational Qualifications
- Obtained Ph.D. Degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India in 1994 for the thesis work entitled “Optimization Methods for Control Problems of Deterministic and Fuzzy Models”.
- Obtained Master of Science Degree in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India in 1987 with specialization in Computer Science and Operations Research.
- Obtained Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours in Mathematics from the University of Calcutta, Asutosh College, Kolkata in 1985.
Research Interests
- Security and Access Control Models, Mobile Security, 5G Secure Use Cases, Network Optimization and Quality of Service, Mobile Computing, Mobile Governance, Mobile Banking, Mobile Payments, Wireless, Sensor & IoT Applications, Mobile Cloud Services, Operations Research, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Fuzzy Optimization and Fuzzy Control Systems, Financial Engineering, Asset Liability Management, Portfolio Optimization.
Recognition / Awards
- Principal Investigator, India’s first 5G Use Case Lab for Banking and Financial Services Project, 2021-2024, Rs.17.5 crores, DoT, GoI
- Chairman, Working Group on Mobile Device Security, 2021-23, CDAC, STQC,MEITY, GoI and submitted the report on “Mobile Security Guidelines”.
- Chairman, Expert Committee on Mobile Governance, 2014-16, Rs.10 Lakhs, MEITY, GoI and submitted the report – “Mobile Governance Standard”
- Programme Advisory Committee Member, PGP-DGM, IIM, Visakhapatnam (2020-24 & Adjunct Faculty
- Member of Senate, IIITDM, Kurnool (2019-21)
- Member, Board of Studies in Computer Science : Central University of Hyderabad, Osmania University-Hyderabad, JNTU-Hyderabad, Madras University, NIT, Tiruchirappalli, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla over a decade
- Chaired Sessions in Various Conferences: ICISS,ISBA, IEEE-ANTS,IC-MCDM, INC, ACODS, FANCCO, MIWAI, IEEE Tencon etc.
- Technical Member of the Sub-Group on Cyber Security for Mobile Banking, RBI
- PRSG member of several projects of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) & Ministry of Finance (MoF), Govt. of India.
- Reviewer of Several International Journals such as JBFT, JOTA, EJOR, MR etc. and International Conferences such as IEEE Tencon, ICDCIT, ICIT, IICAI etc.
- Ph. D. Examiner of Several Universities and Institutions such as IIT-Bombay, IIT-Madras, Jadavpur University, Bharathidasan University, Karaikudi University, etc.
- Technical Consultant to Banks and Technical Expert in several committees of RBI
- Technology Consultant, Kangra Central Co-Operative Bank (KCCB), 2020-2022
- Received CSIR Individual Fellowship Award
- Best Teacher Award
- Youngest Researcher Award in Conference
- Co-Founder and Executive Secretary, Mobile Payment Forum of India (MPFI) since 2006
- Founder of the Mobile Banking Security Lab (MBSL), IDRBT
- Founder and Head of the Centre for Mobile Banking (CMB), Mobile and Social Media LAB, IDRBT
- Chaired the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), DCIM, RBI
- Published over 80 Research Papers in Reputed International Journals, Conferences & Books.
- Guided over 100 Post Graduate and Graduate Students Projects.
- Coordinated various Academic Programmes & Administrative Responsibilities (Ph.D., M.Tech., PGDBTM, Admissions, Examinations, Library, Recruitment, Collaboration etc).
- Co-ordinator of IDRBT Collaboration with IIT, Madras (2020-22), IIT-Delhi, NIT, Tiruchirappalli and SETS, Chennai.
- Delivered over 200 invited lectures in several Institutions in India (including top 5 IITs) and Abroad (University of California – Berkeley, Georgia Institute of Technology-Atlanta, Florida International University-Miami, University of Marietta-Atlanta, University of Albany, Drexel University, George Mason University, University of Virginia in USA; University of Plymouth-UK; University of Lavel at Quebec- Canada; University of Melbourne-Australia; Singapore, South Africa, Brazil, etc.
Professional Experience (30+ Years)
- Professor at IDRBT, since 2011
- Associate Professor at IDRBT from 2005-2010
- Assistant Professor at IDRBT from 1999-2005
- Senior Lecturer at NIT, Trichy, 1998-99
- Lecturer at NIT, Trichy, 1993-98
- Senior Research Fellow (CSIR) at IIT, Kharagpur, 1990-92
- Junior Research Fellow (CSIR) at IIT, Kharagpur, 1987-90.
Courses Taught
M. Tech., M. Sc., & MCA
PGDBT & B. Tech.
Mobile Computing and Mobile Payment Security
M. Tech., M. Sc., & MCA
- Mobile Security
- Software Engineering
- Soft Computing in Finance
- Quantitative Techniques in Finance
- Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Programming
- Optimization Techniques – I, II, III
- Computer Networks
- Computer Oriented Optimization Methods
- System Modelling and Computer Simulation
- Numerical Methods
- Multiple Criteria Decision Making
- Dynamic Optimization and Control Systems
PGDBT & B. Tech.
- Mobile Application Development
- Financial Inclusion Technologies
- Banking on Mobility and Social Media
- Mobile Computing and Social Media
- Financial Management and Risk Models
- Engineering Mathematics -I,II, III
- Numerical Techniques
- Operations Research
Executive Development Programmes (100+) Conducted on :
- Mobile Application Development and Security Testing,
- 5G Use Cases for Banking and Financial Institutions
- Mobile Services and Security
- Mobile Banking, Social Media Banking and Mobile Application Security Testing
- Mobile Banking, Mobile Payments and Mobile Wallets
- Mobile Cloud Computing and Mobile Governance
- Mobile Services and Security
- Mobile Application Development and Security Testing
- Wireless, NFC, Sensor and IoT Technologies
- Financial Risk Models, ALM and Portfolio Optimization
Grants Received
- 5G Use Cases Lab for Banking and Financial Services, 2020-23, Rs.3.5 Crores, DoT & DFS, GoI
- Mobile Governance Standard Development, 2014-16, Rs. 10 Lakhs from DeitY, Government of India
Ph.D. Guidance (15)
Awarded (12)
In Progress (02)
Awarded (12)
- Dr.V Madhusudan Rao (2023), Entropy and Fuzzy based Algorithms for Feature Selection, Dept. of CSE, Osmania University, Hyderabad
- Dr.Dorsala Mallikarjun Reddy (2022), Blockchain based Fair Payment Protocols for Cloud services, National Institute of Technology, Warangal. (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.C. Sudhakar Reddy (NITW))
- Dr. V. Manoj Kumar (2021), Efficient Authentication Protocols for Distributed Mobile Cloud and Internet of things Environment, Dept. of Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.U.Srinivasulu Reddy (NITT))
- Dr.Sriramulu Bojjagani (2019), Design, Testing and Formal Verification of Secure Mobile Payment Protocols, University of Hyderabad (Guide: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT))
- Dr.Anup Kumar Mourya (2018), Efficient User Authentication and Key Establishment Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things, University of Hyderabad (Guide: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT))
- Dr.Nenavath Srinivas Naik (2017), Scheduling Approaches to enhance Map-Reduce Performance in Heterogeneous Networks, University of Hyderabad (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.Atul Negi (UoH))
- Dr.Akther Mohiuddin Rather (2016), Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms based Approach for Stock Prediction and Portfolio Selection, University of Hyderabad, (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.Arun Agarwal (UoH) )
- Dr.Sheikh Shakeel Ahamad (2014), Design of Protocols for Secure Mobile Payments and their Formal Verification, University of Hyderabad (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.S.K. Udgata (UoH) )
- Dr.A.Kavitha (2013), Efficient Approaches to Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Protocols in Wireless Communication Networks, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.Atul Negi (UoH))
- Dr.G.Geetha Kumari (2010), Grid Computing Security through Access Control Modelling, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad ( Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.Atul Negi (UoH))
- Dr.Madhubala Kadavayar (2004), Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Control Techniques for Liquid Level Control in a Conical Tank, National Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics and Dept. of MCA, Formerly REC affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.S.Arumugam (NITT)
- Dr.S.Ismail Mohiuddin (2004), Some New Algorithms for Multiple Objective Shortest Path Problems, Dept. of MCA, National Institute of Technology, Formerly REC affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli (Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.T.N.Janakiraman (NITT)
In Progress (02)
- Ms. Tejaswi Singampalli, Recommender Systems, University of Hyderabad. In progress since 2019 Guides: Dr.V.N.Sastry (IDRBT) and Dr.S.Durga Bhavani (UoH)
- Received CSIR Individual Fellowship Award
- Best Teacher Award
- Youngest Researcher Award in Conference
- Founded the Mobile Payment Forum of India (MPFI)
- Founded the Mobile Banking Security Lab (MBSL) & Centre for Mobile Banking (CMB), IDRBT
- Chaired the Expert Committee on Mobile Governance, MEITY, GoI and Submitted the Report – “Mobile Governance Standard”
- Chaired the WG-MDS and submitted report on Mobile Security Guidilines to MEITY, GoI in 2022
- Chaired the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), DCIM, RBI
- Published over 80 Research Papers in Reputed International Journals, Conferences & Books.
- Guided over 100 Post Graduate and Graduate Students Projects.
- Coordinated various Academic Programmes & Administrative Responsibilities (Ph.D., M.Tech., Admissions, Library, Recruitment, Collaboration etc.)
Standard Bodies
Recent Programme Committees
Standard Bodies
- IEEE Society
- ACM Society
Recent Programme Committees
- Chaired Sessions in Various Conferences: ICISS, IC-MCDM, INC, ACODS, FANCCO, MIWAI etc.
- Chairman, Expert Committee on Mobile Governance Standard, MEITY, GoI
- Technical Member of the Sub-Group on Cyber Security for Mobile Banking, RBI
- PRSG member of several projects of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) & Ministry of Finance (MoF), Govt. of India.
- Member of Board of Studies in Computer Science at Central University of Hyderabad, Osmania University-Hyderabad, JNTU-Hyderabad, Madras University and NIT, Trichy
- Reviewer of Several International Journals (such as JOTA, EJOR, MR) and International Conferences (such as ICDCIT, ICIT, IICAI)
- Ph. D. Examiner of Several Universities and Institutions such as IIT-Bombay, IIT-Madras, Jadavpur University, Bharathidasan University, Karaikudi University, etc.
- Technical Consultant to Banks and Technical Expert in several committees of RBI
- Delivered over 100 invited lectures in several Institutions in India (including top 5 IITs) and Abroad (University of California – Berkeley, Georgia Institute of Technology-Atlanta, Florida International University-Miami, University of Marietta-Atlanta, University of Albany, Drexel University, George Mason University, University of Virginia in USA; University of Plymouth-UK; University of Lavel at Quebec- Canada; University of Melbourne-Australia; Singapore, South Africa, Brazil, etc.)
- Executive Secretary of the Mobile Payment Forum of India (MPFI) since 2007 till date.
Recent Publications
Book Chapters
- SBTDDL: A novel framework for sensor-based threats detection on Android smartphones using deep learning, S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry and N. P. Gopalan, Computers & Security, 118, Issue-C, pages.12, July 2022.
- BPLMSBT: Blockchainbased Permission List for Mitigating the Sensor-based Threats on Smartphones, S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry and N. P. Gopalan, IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (11), 11075 – 11087, 2022.
- STMAD: Sensor-based Threat’s Mitigation on Smartphones using Allowlist and Denylist, S. Manimaran, V. N. Sastry and N. P. Gopalan, The Journal of Supercomputing, 78, 16336–16363, 2022.
- Blockchain based Privacy Preserving User Authentication Protocol for Distributed Mobile Cloud Environment, Manojkumar Vivekanandan, Sastry V. N. and Srinivasulu Reddy U, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 14(2), 1572–1595, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-01065-3
- BIDAPSCA5G: Blockchain based Internet of Things (IoT) device to device authentication protocol for smart city applications using 5G technology, Manojkumar Vivekanandan, Sastry V. N. and Srinivasulu Reddy U, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer, 14(1), 403–419, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-020-00963-w
- Fair payments for privacy-preserving aggregation of mobile crowd sensing data, Dorsala, Mallikarjun Reddy, V. N. Sastry, and Sudhakar Chapram, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2021.01.009
- Fair payments for verifiable cloud services using smart contracts, Mallikarjun Reddy Dorsala, V.N. Sastry, Sudhakar Chapram, Computers & Security, Elsevier, Volume 90, March 2020.
- Efficient user authentication protocol for distributed multimedia mobile cloud environment, Vivekanandan, M., Sastry, V.N. and Reddy, U.S., Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol.11, No.5, pp.1933–1956, 2020.
- A Secure End-to-End Proximity NFC-based Mobile Payment Protocol, Sriramulu Bojjagani and V.N. Sastry,Computer Standards & Interfaces (CSI), Elsevier, Vol.65, Art.# 103348, October 2019.
- A Data Locality based Scheduler to Enhance MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments, Nenavath Srinivas Naik, Atul Negi, and V. N. Sastry, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Vol. 90, pp. 423–434, 2019.
- Improving Straggler Task Performance in Heterogeneous Map Reduce Framework Using Reinforcement Learning, Nenavath Srinivas Naik, Atul Negi and V. N. Sastry, International Journal of Big Data Intelligence (IJBDI), InderScience, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.201–215, 2018.
- A Secure End-to-End SMS-based Mobile Banking Protocol, Sriramulu Bojjagani and V.N.Sastry, International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Wiley, Vol. 30, No. 15, pp.1-19, 2017
- Fuzzy Extractor and Elliptic Curve Based Efficient User Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things, Maurya, A.K. and Sastry, V.N, International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Information, MDPI, Vol. 8, No.4, pp. 1-38, 2017
- Stock Market Prediction and Portfolio Selection Models: A Survey, A. M. Rather, V.N.Sastry and A.Agarwal, OPSEARCH, Springer, Vol.54, No.3, pp.558-579, 2017
- Recurrent Neural Network and a Hybrid Model for Prediction of Stock Returns, Akhter Mohiuddin Rather, Arun Agarwal and V.N. Sastry, Expert Systems with Applications Journal, Vol. 42, Issue 6, pp. 3234-3241, 2015
- A Secure and Optimized Proximity Mobile Payment Framework with Formal Verification, Shaik Shakeel Ahamad., V. N. Sastry and Siba K. Udgata, International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, Vol.6, No.1, pp.66-92, 2014
- Secure Mobile Payment Framework based on UICC with Formal Verification, Ahamad, S.S., Sastry, V.N. and Udgata, S.K., International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, (Special Issue on Future Trends in Security Issues in Internet and Web Applications), Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.355-370, 2014
- New Route Discovery Design for Routing Misbehavior Prevention in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks, Kavitha Ammayappan, Atul Negi and V.N.Sastry, International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communication System (Special Issues on Recent Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks: Trust, Reputation, Security and Privacy), Vol. 7, No.3, pp.211-238, 2014
- A Secure Mobile Payment Framework in MANET Environment, Ahamad, S.S., Sastry, V.N. and Udgata, S.K, International Journal of E-Business Research, Vol.9, No.1, pp.54-84, 2013
- A New Algorithm to Compute Pareto-Optimal Paths in a Multi Objective Fuzzy Weighted Network, K. Karun Kumar and V. N. Sastry, OPSEARCH (Springer Journal), Vol.50, No.3, pp. 297-318, 2013
- A Secure Mobile Wallet Framework with Formal Verification, Shaik Shakeel Ahamad., Sastry, V.N. and Udgata, S.K., International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAPUC), Vol.4, No.2, pp.1-15, 2012
- Secure and Optimized Mobile based Merchant Payment Protocol using Signcryption, Ahamad, S.S., Sastry, V.N. and Udgata, S.K., International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, Vol.6, No.2, pp. 64-94, 2012
- A New Mobile Payment System with Formal Verification, Shakeel Ahmed Shaik, Udgata S.K., Sastry V.N., International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.71–103, 2012
- A New Secure Route Discovery Protocol for MANET to Prevent Hidden Channel Attacks, Kavitha Ammayappan, V.N.Sastry and Atul Negi, International Journal of Network Security, Vol.14, No.3, pp.121-141, 2012
- A New ECC based Two Party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for MANETs, Kavitha Ammayappan, Atul Negi, V. N. Sastry and Ashok Kumar Das, Journal of Computers, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 2408-2416, 2011
Book Chapters
- Mobile Security, V.N.Sastry, IDRBT Staff Paper Series – Cyber Security, Vol.4, No.1, pp.50-128, March 2019
- Voice Based Authentication, V.N.Sastry, IDRBT Staff Paper Series on Biometrics, Vol.3, No.1, pp.54-101, October 2017
- Mobile Cloud Computing, V.N.Sastry, IDRBT Staff Paper Series on Cloud Computing, Vol.2, No.2, pp.58-89, January 2017
- Risks in Mobile Banking, V. N. Sastry, Risk Management: The New Accelerator, Editors: Dr. B. Yerram Raju and Narsimharao Venuturupalle, Konark Publishers, pp.155-161, 2013
- Basics of Financial Risk Management, V. N. Sastry, Financial Risk Management, Editors: Dr. S. Mallikharjuna Rao, School of Management Studies, Central University of Hyderabad, DBM, No.430, pp.10-25, 2006
- Forecasting Techniques, V. N. Sastry, Financial Risk Management, Editors: Dr. S. Mallikharjuna Rao, School of Management Studies, Central University of Hyderabad, DBM, No.430, pp.26-42, 2006.