Dr. Susmita Mandal
Assistant Professor
Educational Qualifications
- Ph. D. in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela in 2018
- M. Tech. in Information Security and Computer Forensics from SRM University, Chennai in 2012
- B. Tech. in Information Technology from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad in 2009.
Research Interests
- Applied Cryptography
- Group Communication
- Key Exchange
- Blockchain
- Security of Wireless Networks
- Privacy Preserving Techniques
Professional Experience
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Marwadi Education Foundation Group of Institutions, Gujarat from July 2012 to December 2013.
- Worked as Guest Lecturer in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Andaman and Nicobar Islands from July 2009 to November 2009.
Research Grants Received
- Secure Offline m-Payment System using Certificateless Key Agreement Mechanism for Faster Access and Handover Authentication in Space Information Networks, Sponsored by Science and Engineering Research(SERB-SRG), Govt. of India, 2021-2023, Completed.
- Design and Development of a Unified Blockchain Framework for offering National Blockchain Service and creation of a Blockchain Ecosystem, Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, 2021-2025, On-going.
- Blockchain and Machine Learning Powered Unified Video-KYC Framework, Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India, IIT Bhilai Innovation and Technology Foundation (IBITF), 2022-2025, On-going.
Internally Funded Project
- Project on LoRaWAN based banking transaction for rural banking connectivity .
- NIT Rourkela Institute Fellowship for Ph. D. from January 2014 to January 2018
- Awarded travel grant for attending and presenting paper at International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2017), University of Tokyo, Japan, November 2017.
- Scholarship for attending IACR-SEAMS School “Cryptography: Foundations and New Directions” (CRYPTO-SCHOOL2016) from Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 27–December 4, 2016.
Courses Taught
M. Tech.
M. Tech.
- Software Engineering
- Algorithms with IT Lab
- Data Structure and Programming Lab
- Cryptography
- Distributed Ledger Technology
- Emerging Technologies for Banking and Finance
- Electronic Commerce and Payment Systems
Ph.D. Guidance
- Sravan S S, Certificateless Key Exchange in IoT Enabled Wireless Communication, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli. In progress since 2020
- Bhavika, Privacy Preserving For Secure Multimedia Data Communication, University of Hyderabad. In progress since 2023.
- Ravikanth Kotha, Privacy-preserving Data Analysis, NIT Warangal.
M.Tech/M.S by Research Guidance
- Kirti Singh (IITB) – In Progress
- Rohan Kumar –Completed
- Rajyalaxmi- Completed
- Nirupama Devi – Completed
- Abhinav Yadav- Completed
Professional Services
- Conducted Online Workshop on Security & Privacy in Blockchain February 16th – 17th , 2022
- Managing Editor, Journal of Banking and Financial Technology, since August 2021
- Co-ordinator of IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium for PhD
- Reviewer of Journals Ad-hoc Networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences,JBFT, Sdhana, Cluster Computing, Wireless Personal Communication, Wireless Network.
- Board of Studies Committee Member for Computer Science Department at G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science (GNITS), Telangana
- Co-Chair of MINDS Workshop in COMSNET 2025
Professional Services
Recent Publications
- SRAVAN S S, Susmita Mandal, PJA ALPHONSE, Partial Offline Payment Systems for Connecting the Unconnected: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys (Accepted 2024)
- Sravan S S, Susmita Mandal, PJA Alphonse, LIO-PAY: Sustainable Low-Cost Offline Payment Solution. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Elsevier (Accepted 2024)
- Ravikanth K, Susmita Mandal, Ramakrishnudu T, A Framework to Achieve Privacy-by-Design Business Workflows for Distributed Environment. International Journal of Business Information Systems, Inderscience ( Accepted 2024)
- Susmita Mandal. “Provably secure certificateless protocol for wireless body area network”, Wireless Networks, Springer,pp.1-18.
- Susmita Mandal, Sujata Mohanty, and Banshidhar Majhi. “CL-AGKA: Certificateless authenticated group key agreement protocol for mobile networks”, Wireless Networks, Springer, pp. 1-21.
- Susmita Mandal, Mohanty, S. and Majhi, B., 2018. Cryptanalysis and enhancement of an anonymous self-certified key exchange protocol. Wireless Personal Communications, 99, pp.863-891.
- Susmita Mandal, Mohanty, S. and Majhi, B., 2018. Design of electronic payment system based on authenticated key exchange. Electronic Commerce Research, 18, pp.359-388.
- Susmita Mandal, 2013. A Review on Secured Money Transaction with Fingerprint Technique in ATM System. arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.8043.
- Susmita Mandal, Balaraju P, Pranay Chawhan, “A Fair Endorser Selection Mechanism Using Ciphertext-policy Attribute-based Encryption in Hyperledger Fabric.” In 21st IEEE international Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2024 Core-A Affiliated Workshop- FAACS)
- Sravan, S.S., Susmita Mandal, and Alphonse, P.J.A, “SEC-ROAM: Secure and Efficient Roaming in LoRaWAN v1. 1.” In 16th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks, 2024
- SN Devi, S Mandal, SS Sravan, P Balaraju, “Ciphertext Policy-Attribute Based Encryption for Fine-grained Access Control in Blockchain.” In IEEE 7th Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT),2023
- H Kannoori, P Balaraju, C Harika, S Mandal, “Privacy Preservation of Insurance Data Sharing Across Permissioned Blockchains.” In IEEE 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems, 2023
- V Rajyalaxmi, S Mandal, M Verma, “An Automated Secure Smart-Contract Driven KYC Solution.” In IEEE 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems, 2023.
- Susmita Mandal, S. S. Sravan, Ramesh Lakshmi “Chaotic-Maps Based Access Authentication Protocol for Remote Communication Using Space Information Networks”, In Advanced Information Networking and Applications: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2022), Volume 1 Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 226-237.
- Susmita Mandal, and Mohanty, S., 2014, December. Multi-party key-exchange with perfect forward secrecy. In 2014 International Conference on Information Technology (pp. 362-367). IEEE.
- Susmita Mandal, Mohanty, S. and Majhi, B., 2018. Universally verifiable certificateless signcryption scheme for MANET. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing & Communication Systems: MCCS 2015 (pp. 77-89). Springer Singapore.
- Susmita Mandal, Mohanty, S. and Majhi, B., 2017, November. An ID-based non-interactive deniable authentication protocol based on ECC. In Proceedings of the 2017 7th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (pp. 48-52).