Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology


The Institute for Development and Research in Banking and Technology (IDRBT) was established by the Reserve Bank of India in 1996 as a Society and governed by the Governing Council comprising members from Academia, Reserve Bank, Banking Sector. The objectives are development and research to adopt and absorb emerging technology in innovative way for digital transformation of banks and financial sector.

The Journey

Indian Financial Network (INFINET) was planned as a closed user group, for secure reliable and sustainable high speed Network for banks.


The Course

The Indian Banking and Financial Sector is banking on technology to deliver efficient and effective customer service, reduce cost and improve profitability, to reach out to the unbanked, and implement their growth strategy. Therefore, there is a significant and urgent demand for talented people with expertise in technology and its management.

In order to meet this pressing demand, the Institute launched the Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Technology (PGDBT) in July 2016. It is a unique programme designed to provide the Indian Banking and Financial Sector, on a regular basis, a pool of talented professionals with technology expertise to strongly support their technology deployment initiatives.


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